The Empire of the Mind and linguistic democracy in Italy

Publishing, Pagano: “The Government is playing massacre of the Italian publishing houses.”

Corte di giustizia dell'Unione europea (Lussemburgo)

“The Government is playing massacre of the Italian publishing houses.” Statement by Giorgio pagano, Secretary of the Esperanto Radikala Asocio. “For some unknown reason, some of our governors intend to abdicate our ‘publishing sovereignty’ in favour of foreign publishing houses. Thanks to the Anvur evalutation system, our researchers are publishing Italian work with foreign publishing houses, any nation, as publishing with a foreign publishing house counts for 3 points, as an Italian publishing house counts for 1.” Pagano continued. 

“To this, let us add the limit on discounts that has been applied to bookstores, including online ones, and on Italian publising houses. This will push readers to buy books from foreign websites. The reason why the government is killing Italian publishing houses, favouring foreign ones, is not easy to udnerstand. Evidently, if the Government believes throwing away our cultural heritage is the key to fighting the crisis, they might as well take some times off to rest on the beach with a good book.” 
Rome August 05 2011
